ound river faR
Healthy Soil is Living Soil

Sustainable Food Systems
This ten-class curriculum was created for the Northland Food & Farming Initiative, sponsored by the Sustainable Development Partnership of Northeastern Minnesota. Its purpose is to build awareness of sustainable food and farming issues by providing hands-on, passionate, farmer to student curriculum to increase basic food literacy and provide consumers a more sophisticated understanding of the economics of our food system, effects of the food system on rural communities, the history of our regional food system, and general health and food quality issues. For more info Contact Us
Farm Internships Available
Looking for an opportunity to learn how to farm in northern MN. Potential applicants should have an interest in Seed Saving, Genetics and Sustainable Living. Contact Us

Round River is more than just a farm. Over the years, we have provided a variety of learning opportunities for countless visitors. There have been delegations from foreign countries, toddlers from local pre-schools, professors from Minnesota colleges, youth groups from regional churches, and individuals from around the country and world. We have developed workshops, classes, curriculum and patience as we have hosted up to 1000 visitors at Round River each year.
Farm To School Growing Our Future
By investing in our children through better nutrition, we can support local
farmers, stabilize communities, fight obesity and make kids healthier. VIEW HERE

Farm Finances
Join our Farm Finances Coffee Break series with Lise Abazs from
Round River Farm. Lise and her husband David manage a small-scale
sustainable farm in Finland, MN. For the Guide and Series
(1) What Makes a Farm a Business? WATCH HERE
(2) Farming on Paper: Budgets & Financial Management WATCH HERE
(3) Money in, Money Out: Tracking Income & Expense WATCH HERE
(4) Appreciating Depreciation & Capitalization WATCH HERE
(5) You Can't Do it Alone, Paying your Farm Employees WATCH HERE
The miracle of Finland: What a tiny northern Minnesota town can teach America
Jacob Steinberg, City Pages News - The author of this article visited our town three different times over a three month time period to write this article for the City Page News. This lengthy feature article took a look at the excitement and growth of our small little town. Growth of our food systems and community, not the population. VIEW HERE
Interviews, Articles & TV Clips
Lake County News Chronicle: ~ Wolf Ridge Farm uses grant to create agro-calendar READ HERE ~ Wolf Ridge ‘hires’ pigs for landscaping help READ HERE ~ Finland farmers named Lake County's Farm Family of the Year READ HERE
Duluth News Tribune: Finland farmers thrive off the grid READ HERE
PBS Almanac North “Local Food as an Economic Driver” & “Lake Superior Zoo Update” A study of the potential economic impact of local food production on the Iron Range shows great potential. We talked with researchers involved in the study.VIEW HERE
Renewing the Countryside Round River Farm – Living Lightly, Sustainable Living in the North Woods READ HERE
WTIP Northern Gardening Shows
Several one hour radio programs offer some fun thoughts on different aspects of northern gardening.
Northern Gardening: Agrophenology & fall gardening chores LISTEN HERE
Northern Gardening: Tomatoes LISTEN HERE
Northern Gardening: Starting Seeds Indoors and the Latest LEDs LISTEN HERE
Northern Gardening: Talks on Community Supported Agriculture LISTEN HERE
Northern Gardening: Local Food along the North Shore of Lake Superior LISTEN HERE