ound river faR
Healthy Soil is Living Soil
Shalom Seed Sanctuary
Shalom Seed Sanctuary was founded in 1988, at the same time as Round River Farm, in response to the loss of agricultural knowledge and genetic resources in particular and the struggles of peaceful and sustainable living in general. Shalom Seed Sanctuary is a educational and scientific project on the farm.
SHALOM - explore, develop and nurture peace and non-violence through physical and spiritual practices.
SEED - research and educate about sustainable agriculture, specifically the preservation of open pollinated plant varieties and domestic animal breeds neglected by modern agriculture, so that their characteristics and genetic information will be available for future generations.
The Rhubarb Project is an example of this work.
SANCTUARY - to preserve wild ecosystems and promote diversity in both natural and human communities through vision, practice, education and action. To nurture a 'sense of place' for humans within the natural world.
The Sustainable Food System Curriculum is part of this effort.